Friday, 15 April 2011

Retail Therapy!

Sometimes in life you just need a good bit of retail therapy to keep you existing with a huge smile on your face and a bucketful of enthusiasm. For me, yesterday was just one of those times. The girls and I hopped on a train and headed into one of the best shopping hotspots in London - Westfield shopping centre! We had such a fantastic day and spent far too much money but it had to be done. I will show you some of my purchases soon as possible. I have managed to increase the amount of red in my wardrobe, which is fabulous because it is definitely my favourite colour to wear.What's yours?

I went into Gilly Hicks for the first time yesterday and bought some beautiful Pyjamas but I could have spent all day in there just looking at all of the beautiful underwear that comes in every single colour that ever existed! Have a look here or go to the shop in Westfield and you will definitely find something to fall in love with! 

Another obsession of mine at the moment is the Legally Blonde soundtrack. I have listened to it over and over since I was given it and I can't wait to see it in the West End soon. Take a look at this video and see what you think. Isn't it fantastic? 

 Thank you to my fabulous followers you are so wonderful and I love reading your comments! 
If you like my blog then please leave a comment and feel free to follow it :) I will definitely take a look and leave a comment on yours!

Much Love,


  1. Hehe what a nice shopping trip, I am on a temporary ban after too much internet shopping!! ;P

    The Cat Hag

  2. Hi! You have a very interesting blog:)
    I invite you to my blog!
    Follow me!

  3. retail therapy ALWAYS works.
